Every month we bring you something new and exciting in the form of stickers. Why not share this unique gift with someone special? Our stickers may not be a bouquet of roses, but they will last a lot longer. Take that roses!
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The Visitor
This month-2-month subscription is for the stalkers. Don't know if you're ready to commit to an ongoing subscription? Receive one month of Slaptastick stickers without the worry of a commitment. Go on and click the orange button below!
Trying to Redeem a Gift?
Received a gift? Check again because that's not normal as our stickers go fast and come in limited quantities — people normally keep it to themselves. Well, I guess a congratulations is in order. Wanna know how easy it is to sign up for Slaptastick? Can you click a button? Great! Just click on the one that says, "start here!" We told you it was easy.